We go places together.

This is Grow Deep, a fresh perspective about self mastery, the subconscious, spirituality and the magic you were always sure was real as a child, but got conditioned out of you after someone told you “that’s just your imagination” too many times.

Grow Deep will have your eyes and ears wanting more, and your soul saying, ‘aaahhh’.

Grow Deep is ripe with deep musings and thoughts from the 43/23 Human Design channel, drawing on knowledge absorbed from psychology, neuroscience, spirituality, ancient teachings and philosophy, and life as a global girl.

You’ll feel like I’m speaking directly to you, and yet every post holds deeper wisdom and knowledge that cuts straight to the parts of you that will feel it.

All of my posts include an audio, voice noted version, so you can pop me on in your car or with your morning cup of something warm.

This page is for people who:

  • embrace change & growth, even when it’s uncomfortable!

  • want to evolve!

  • dread the idea of looking back in five years and seeing you’re the exact same!

  • are willing to take a good, long look in the mirror!

  • believe in a higher power (especially if it is yourself!)

Growing deep before you grow tall.

If you this sounds like you, I welcome you to my page, where every new transmission will land directly in your inbox.

One of my mentors once said “Jackie takes people places.”

The first ‘place’ we go is within your subconscious.

There, your limitations lie. The stories you tell yourself, the barriers you have set along the way.

Once you see them, the journey begins.

Up, up, and out of your limiting beliefs, patterns, blocks, and out of mediocrity.

Do you want to go places, or just stay the same?

You choose.

Join Grow Deep, and we’ll go places together.

Subscribe to Grow Deep

Much like trees, we grow best when our foundation is deep and wide. This publication includes written and spoken transmissions on deep growth and evolution through a personal lens of the ancient spiritual teachings.


Guiding you to meet & B E C O M E your true self. I share a no-fluff, me-style blend of ancient spiritual teachings and wisdom from a life well lived.